Bruja Born by Zoraida Córdova

Bruja Born by Zoraida Córdova

This is the second book in this series and while there are no spoilers for this book. There are a few spoilers for the first book. In the first book of this series, Labyrinth Lost, we met the Mortiz family, all of whom are descendants of Brujas and Brujos and have their own magical abilities. The first book focused on Alex, who was trying to hide her abilities only to be named an encantrix, the strongest witch of her generation. This book takes place months after the first and focuses on Lula, the oldest sister who has the power of healing.
Lula hasnt been the same since returning from Los Lagos. Her magic isn’t the same, she doesn’t feel the same way about her magic or the Deos and it’s taking its toll on everything, especially her relationship with Maks. The day of his last soccer game there’s a horrible accident. Lula, Maks and dozens of others are injured. It’s only through surgery and the healing powers of her family that Lula survives. She begs for them to help Maks too and they refuse. They know it’s against their laws. But Lula convinces her sisters, Alex and Rose to help her save Maks. But what they actually do is banish the Lady de la Muerta into an in-between realm and tie Maks to Lula’s body. Him and the rest of the people that were supposed to die in the accident.
This is kind of a love story. Kind of a zombie story. Definitely a story of magic. Córdova did a great job expanding her world of magic and including different magical creatures and expanding on laws and rules that all of those with magic have to abide by. She expands on the limits of magic, but remains focused on the concept of culture, family, sacrifice and community which are aspects she explored in the first novel of this series. This is another extremely well written plot. The world building again was top notch and extremely enjoyable. All of these characters jump off the page and they feel real, in how they react, how they interact with each other and how they express themselves.
I read the two books in this series back to back and they are so damn good. I finished them both in two days and I have no regrets! They are just so addicting. It’s so easy to fall into this extremely believable world of magic. The biggest highlight to me in this story is the love! These sisters love each other and they will do anything to protect each other and that love is the foundation of these books. Now I have to wait. Wait for the next book in this series. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.


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