The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is a novel about discovering yourself while taking part in a huge adventure. Santiago has chosen to be a shepherd believing that this would be the life that would allow him to see the world. After experience recurring dreams of discovering a treasure near the pyramids he seeks a gypsy that will help him decipher his dream. After their consultation he meets another man who claims to be a king and who knows Santiago’s past. He is inspired to follow his path and to pursue his Personal Legend. Along the way he begins to decipher omens and trust in the hand that created everything in order to find the true meaning of love, life and the Soul of the World.
I was anxious to read this book. I have heard so many great things about this novel and how it has transformed so many people’s lives that I was sure that this would book would affect me in many different and amazing ways. By the end of this novel, I felt like I read a mixture of The Holy Bible and The Secret all rolled up in one with a touch of an adventure set in Middle East and parts of Africa. I hope no one is offended by that. There were many profound messages broadcast throughout these pages. Many of which had to do with self-reflection, manifesting your own destiny and fate, which is why it reminded me so strongly of The Secret. There was also quite a few Bible verses, though none quoted, plenty of Biblical stories, and many references to God. I’m not sure what I was expecting but this wasn’t it.

Now with all of that being said, I really do have an appreciation for this novel and the simple way it was written and the way the story was delivered. Nothing speaks to people more than watching someone experience hardships, continuing to fight and persevering. I found all the characters fascinating and in their own way amusing. I was never bored with the story and found it easy to read and easy to be enchanted by. I can easily see how people have been inspired by this book. I think this may simply be a book that I will have to pick up again later on in life to divine inspiration. Different books speak to different people at different times. Right now this novel didn’t speak to me in an all-encompassing way. I give this novel 3 out of 5 stars. Would I recommend this novel if anyone asked me about it? Yes, I would because you never know when someone is waiting for inspiration and this could be that book for them. 


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