The Beat of a Heart

Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts

I’m sure most people recognize the title of this book because of the movie that was released in 2000 starring Natalie Portman and Ashley Judd. I thought the movie was great and was really excited I was able to get my hands on the book. Where the Heart Is follows the life Novalee Nation who was left in a Walmart in Seqouyah at seventeen, while pregnant, by her boyfriend Willy Jack Pickens. The couple was on their way to California where Willy Jack was going to work with his cousin, when he decided it would be easier to continue on without Novalee and left her without a second glance. Novalee then began leaving in the Walmart, unbeknownst to anyone, and became friends with Sister Husband, a caring recovering alcoholic, and Forney who lived in the town library with his sick sister. Novalee gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Americus, in the Walmart, and moved in with Sister Husband. Forney, who helped deliver Americus, became one of Novalee’s best friend along with the nurse’s aid from the hospital, Lexie and photographer, Moses. While Novalee and Americus lived their lives in Seqouyah, Willy Jack has been traveling the US as the singer known as Billy Shadow. Not long after abandoning Novalee, Willy Jack was picked up with a minor and put in prison. There he was able to get a guitar and right what would be a great single but his reliance on drugs and alcohol would be his downfall and eventually send him searching for the woman he left behind.
                The book focuses on the forming of relationships more so than the failure relationships. Novalee was left in an unimaginable situation: no family, no money, no friends and hundreds of miles away from home. It was because of the kindness of strangers like Sister Husband and Forney, that Novalee was able to make a life for herself and Americus. She learned to become independent but she always had the strength of people who loved her, and her daughter, and wanted the best for her. I loved that we were able to get glimpses of Willy Jack’s story as well. It brought home how Novalee more than likely dodged a bullet when left at the Walmart. While Novalee is growing and maturing, Willy Jack never changes. His irresponsibility leads to his downfall and though sad to watch, it felt like justice.
                I enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed the movie. Billie Letts did a very good job of looking at how different relationships are created and maintained because of love and loyalty. The characters who came into Novalee’s life all brought different life experiences and stories to tell. They created their own unit that was completely supportive of each other. It showcased unbroken bonds and different levels of friendship. I appreciated the story and would suggest that if you loved the movie to give the book a shot.


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